The table below shows the 2024/25 council tax bands costs for properties in Wychavon in the different council tax bands or you can use online council tax Calculator and check yourself:
Wychavon Council Tax Band | Monthly Council Tax Charge | Annual Council Tax Rate |
BAND A | £116.70 | £1,400.43 |
BAND B | £136.15 | £1,633.84 |
BAND C | £155.60 | £1,867.24 |
BAND D | £175.05 | £2,100.65 |
BAND E | £213.96 | £2,567.46 |
BAND F | £252.86 | £3,034.27 |
BAND G | £291.76 | £3,501.08 |
BAND H | £350.11 | £4,201.30 |
Wychavon Council Tax Refund Calculator
Set when you moved into this property in Wychavon to see how much money you would get if your house was rebanded. Current council tax band of your property with online council tax checker:
Set when you moved into this property in Wychavon to see how much money you would get if your house was rebanded. Current council tax band of your property with online council tax checker:
If you live in the Wychavon area of the UK, you can use the Wychavon Council Tax Refund Calculator on CouncilTax.info to find out if your property is eligible for a rebate. The calculator will calculate how much money you can get back from Wychavon Council if your property is rebanded to a lower council tax band.
Interesting Facts about Wychavon, UK: Wychavon is a district in Worcestershire, England. It was formed on 1 April 1974 by the merger of the municipal boroughs of Droitwich and Evesham, along with the Kidderminster and Wyre Forest Rural Districts. It is home to the oldest working railway station in the world, the Croome Court, and the birthplace of the renowned poet A.E. Housman.
Places to Visit in Wychavon:
* Croome Court: A beautiful 18th-century landscape park and the first of its kind in England. It was designed by the renowned architect Capability Brown and is now managed by the National Trust.
* Droitwich Spa: A popular spa town in the Wychavon district, it is known for its salt production and has been designated a World Heritage Site.
* Evesham Abbey: A beautiful 12th-century abbey that was once a centre of pilgrimage and learning.
* Hanbury Hall: A stunning 17th-century country house set in beautiful gardens.
* West Midlands Safari Park: A safari park with over 500 animals from all over the world.
Wychavon is well-known for its historical sites, beautiful landscapes and its association with the poet A.E. Housman.
Recent topical news of interest to residents of the Wychavon area:
* Wychavon Council has recently announced that it is investing in a new £4 million project to improve the area's public transport links.
* Wychavon Council is planning to build a new sports centre in the area, which will be funded by council tax payments.
* Wychavon Council has recently launched a new campaign to promote the area's local businesses.
* Wychavon Council is currently working on a new project to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
Useful information about Wychavon Council: Wychavon Council is responsible for providing a range of services to the people of Wychavon, including education, housing, waste collection, and planning. Wychavon Council collects council tax payments from residents in the area, which are used to fund a range of services and projects.
Projects and Developments: Wychavon Council is currently involved in a range of projects and developments, including the new £4 million public transport project, the new sports centre, and the new waste reduction project. These projects are funded by council tax payments. Wychavon Council also spends council tax payments on services such as education, housing, and waste collection.
Criticisms and Positive Things: Some criticisms have been levelled at Wychavon Council, including a lack of transparency in decision making and a lack of communication with local residents. On the other hand, many people in the area have praised the council for its investment in public transport and its efforts to reduce waste.
Ways to Reduce Wychavon Council Tax Payments: There are a few ways to reduce Wychavon Council Tax payments, including applying for a Council Tax Reduction, applying for a Council Tax H
ardship Discount, and applying for a Council Tax Exemption.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How do I apply for a Wychavon Council Tax Refund?
A: You can use the Wychavon Council Tax Refund Calculator on CouncilTax.info to find out if your property is eligible for a rebate.
Q: How much money will Wychavon Council pay me back if my property is rebanded to a lower council tax band?
A: The amount of money you will receive back depends on the amount of council tax you pay and the band your property is rebanded to. You can use the Wychavon Council Tax Refund Calculator on CouncilTax.info to calculate how much money you will receive back.
Q: What services does Wychavon Council provide?
A: Wychavon Council provides a range of services to the people of Wychavon, including education, housing, waste collection, and planning.
Q: What does Wychavon Council spend council tax payments on?
A: Wychavon Council spends council tax payments on a range of services and projects, including public transport projects, sports centres, and waste reduction projects.
Q: How can I reduce my Wychavon Council Tax payments?
A: You can reduce your Wychavon Council Tax payments by applying for a Council Tax Reduction, a Council Tax Hardship Discount, or a Council Tax Exemption.
Adjacent Councils: The Wychavon Council area is bordered by Redditch Borough Council to the north, Malvern Hills District Council to the east, Worcester City Council to the south and Herefordshire Council to the west. Redditch Borough Council covers the town of Redditch and its surrounding villages, Malvern Hills District Council covers the Malvern Hills and the surrounding area, Worcester City Council covers the city of Worcester and its surrounding villages, and Herefordshire Council covers the city of Hereford and its surrounding area.
Go to Wychavon council tax charges 2023/24.
Previous years:
Wychavon council tax charges 2022/23.
Wychavon council tax charges 2021/22.
Wychavon council tax charges 2020/21.
Wychavon council tax charges 2019/20.
Wychavon council tax charges 2018/19.
Wychavon council tax charges 2017/18.
Wychavon council tax charges 2016/17.
Wychavon council tax charges 2015/16.
Wychavon council tax charges 2014/15.
Wychavon council tax charges 2013/14.
Wychavon council tax charges 2012/13.
Wychavon council tax charges 2011/12.
You may also find the following services useful
Pay your council tax
Apply for a discount on council tax
Find out about discounts on council tax
Check your eligibility for council tax benefit